Concept and Idea in cooporation with DAS BUCHKONTOR - flyer as customer magazine.
9 Editions so far.
Books are adventures in the mind. But how do you choose your next book? You can read the blurb, ... look at the cover ... or - and this is where DAS ALBUM comes in, a completely new alternative to the classic customer magazine, which ends up in the waste paper after a few pages.
Advertising only makes sense if it is remembered for a long time - so create something that lasts. Advertising postcards that are so beautiful that they stay in the customer's home.
Das Buchkontor Kontoristinnen select their current favourite books, write their opinion of the book and choose a suitable quote. The linguistic level is thus covered, now I come into play: choose a suitable picture to go with the book and quote. For all those like me who make strongly visual decisions and for all those who love beautiful postcards.